90 Years Young and Crushin’ It

These nonagenarians raised the bar for the rest of us. At 90 years young, or close to it, these folks show what’s possible, decades after traditional retirement dates.

  • Tom Rice: At 97, the WWII veteran  parachuted into France (his second time) for the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

  • Diane Feinstein: Senator from California at 87.

  • Mel Brooks: Ran his own one man show in Vegas, An Evening with Mel Brooks, at 91.

  • Clint Eastwood: Directed a major movie at 89.

  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Member of the Supreme Court at 87.

  • Warren Buffet: CEO of one of the largest companies in the US, Berkshire Hathaway, at 90.

  • Charlie Munger: Number two man at Berkshire Hathaway at 97.

The late nonagenarian Carl Reiner shared sage advice for his cohorts in saying, “If you’re not in the obit, eat breakfast.” He hosted a documentary with that same title showing how the twilight years can be happy and rewarding and how laughter is always a good idea.


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