Noteworthy Nonsense
Notes on Communication, Decision-Making and Business & Investing

Book Summary: Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Book Summary: Principles by Ray Dalio
Life can seem like an infinite blizzard of events we’re trekking through, but in reality, variations of the same kinds of things happen to us over-and-over again, throughout both daily life and history.

Selecting College Majors: What do You Wish Avoid?
How’s a high school senior, who’s considering college, supposed to know which major to pick? These folks are barely capable of watching R-rated movies themselves, according to society.
The Psychology of Personal Finance: Meet Diligent, Destitute and Dickey (Part 3)
There are three broad approaches you can take for your personal finances, which in large part is behavioral. And so, I’ve modeled these approaches with three fictional characters.
Thus, meet: Diligent the Rational, Destitute the Emotional and Dickey the Blend
The Psychology of Personal Finance: Meet Diligent, Destitute and Dickey (Part 2)
There are three broad approaches you can take for your personal finances, which in large part is behavioral. And so, I’ve modeled these approaches with three fictional characters.
Thus, meet: Diligent the Rational, Destitute the Emotional and Dickey the Blend
The Psychology of Personal Finance: Meet Diligent, Destitute and Dickey
There are three broad approaches you can take for your personal finances, which in large part is behavioral. And so, I’ve modeled these approaches with three fictional characters.
Thus, meet: Diligent the Rational, Destitute the Emotional and Dickey the Blend.

Beating Blackjack: How An Outsider Beat The House
In the late 1950s, Ed Thorp defied conventional wisdom and developed a winning strategy for blackjack that anyone could then use—if it could be stomached.

14 Ways to Become More Successful
“We should just study successful people more. Like how’d they do this?…And there’s a very superficial version of that in the media all the time. But like actually trying to figure out how they did it. To me it’s one of the most interesting topics.”

Jason Zweig & Peter Bernstein Conversation: Why Companies Pay Dividends
Why would companies bother paying some cash (dividends) to shareholders when they could just reinvest all cash back into the business?